AMETYSTOVÝ tibetský Mala náramok


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AMETYSTOVÝ tibetský Mala náramok

Product: Tibetan AMETHYST Mala Bracelet

Description: This Tibetan AMETHYST Mala Bracelet features 108 beads made of authentic Amethyst, strung on a durable elastic cord. Môže sa nosiť ako náramok omotaný okolo zápästia alebo ako náhrdelník. Mala Tibetan je budhistická alebo hinduistická modlitebná guľôčka používaná na recitáciu, meditáciu a duchovnú prax.

Marketing Point: Spiritual Symbolism and Meditation Aid

Predaj: Tibetský náramok Ametyst Mala je symbolom duchovnej čistoty a osvietenia. It serves as a reminder to focus on inner peace and facilitates meditation practices. The Lotus charm represents absolute purity and spiritual awakening, promoting mental calmness and concentration.

Technical Point: Healing Properties of Amethyst

Detail: Amethyst is known for promoting mental clarity, confidence, and spiritual growth. It aids in releasing negative thought patterns and purifying the wearer’s aura. This stone enhances intuition, dream recall, and connection to the higher self.

Technical Specifications: Tibetan AMETHYST Mala Bracelet

  • Features 108 Amethyst beads
  • Elastic cord for flexibility
  • Kov: zliatina zinku
  • Stone: Amethyst
  • Charm: Lotus, Buddha, or Ohm symbol

SEO ods. The healing properties of Amethyst promote mental calmness and inner peace, making it ideal for meditation and spiritual activities. This versatile accessory can be worn as a bracelet or necklace, symbolizing purity and spiritual growth. Experience the tranquility and enlightenment that the Tibetan AMETHYST Mala Bracelet brings, enhancing your spiritual journey and connection to the higher self.

Ďalšie informácie


Lotosový ametyst, Buddha Amethyst, Ametyst ohm