Drevené podnosy FEUILLE


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  • kvalitný produkt
Drevené podnosy FEUILLE

Introducing the Leaf Wood Platters

Discover the true pleasure of eating from a wooden plate or bowl with the Leaf Wood Platters!

Nature-Friendly and Environmentally Conscious

Experience the beautiful natural color and grain of the wood, coupled with a pleasant natural woody scent and an unmatched natural touch.

Trvalé a ekologické

The wood dinnerware is not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally friendly and long-lasting, improving over time with proper care.

Technical Specifications of the Leaf Wood Platters

  • Natural color and grain
  • Pleasant natural woody scent
  • Durable and eco-friendly material
  • Available in two sizes: small (33 cm * 19.50 cm) and large (44.50 cm * 25 cm)
  • Limited Edition Series

Transformujte svoje stravovacie skúsenosti s týmito vysoko kvalitnými drevenými taniermi, ktoré sú nielen vizuálne príťažlivé, ale aj environmentálne pri vedomí. Made to accompany all your meals, desserts, buffets, appetizers, and snacks, these platters are perfect for family gatherings and social events. Maintain their beauty for years by following simple care instructions, and watch as they enhance in appearance over time. Elevate your dining table with the Leaf Wood Platters and enjoy a touch of nature in every meal.

Ďalšie informácie


Malý, Veľký