Introducing the Japanese Beech Wood Cutlery Set
Discover the beauty and quality of our Japanese Beech Wood Cutlery Set!
Eco-Friendly and Natural
Experience the natural beauty and unmatched quality of our Japanese Beech Wood Cutlery Set. Ideálne pre celú rodinu!
Prírodný dotyk a vôňa
Vychutnajte si prirodzený dotyk a príjemnú drevnú arómu našej japonskej súpravy na drevené príbory.
Technické špecifikácie japonského bukového dreveného súpravy na drevo
- Krásna prírodná farba a zrno bukového dreva
- Prírodná drevená vôňa
- Trvalé a šetrné k životnému prostrediu
- Ľahko sa udržiava a stará sa o
- Rozmery: 19,5×4 cm pre lyžicu a 19,5 x 3,5 cm pre vidlicu
Indulge in the true pleasure of dining with wooden cutlery! Our Japanese Beech Wood Cutlery Set is not only stunning but also eco-friendly, durable, and gets better with time. Care for it by cleaning with a sponge and warm water, occasionally applying edible oil to prevent dryness, and avoiding dishwashers or prolonged exposure to heat. Enhance your meals, desserts, buffets, and snacks with this high-quality set for your family and friends. Limitovaná edícia – Získajte teraz!