Yoga Circle – WOOD – YogaWheel
The Yoga Circle… YogaWheel, the essential accessory to stretch, gently massage, and strengthen your back, neck, and legs!! With high quality and elegant design, this Yoga circle made of wood and TPE will be your most faithful companion for your many Yoga, Pilates, Fitness postures, or simply relaxing at home or in nature. A beautiful object, you will quickly become „addicted“ once you experience the initial benefits: – more flexible back and neck – relaxed spinal muscles – overall body relaxation – toner and more flexible legs – improved hip mobility – increased flexibility in general by gently working Cez všetky pozície … rozmery: 33 x 33 x 13 cm 20 mm hrubé
Vylepšite svoje skúsenosti s jogou
Objavte všestrannosť a pohodlie kruhu jogy – drevo – Yogawheel, čím si vylepšite cvičenie jogy svojimi jemnými schopnosťami napínania a masáže. Cíťte rozdiel vo svojom tele, keď relaxujete, posilňujete a zmierňuje napätie s týmto jedinečným príslušenstvom.
Uvoľnite svoju flexibilitu
zažívajú výhody špecifického dizajnu kruhu jogy – drevo – Yogawheel, zacieľujúc na kľúčové oblasti vášho tela, aby sa zlepšila flexibilita, mobilita a relaxácia. Pustite napätie, keď budete postupovať cez rôzne jogy s ľahkosťou a pohodlím.
Technical Specifications of Yoga Circle – WOOD – YogaWheel
- Sturdy wood and TPE construction
- Dimensions: 33 x 33 x 13 cm
- 20 mm thickness for durability
- Gentle massage and stretching capabilities
- Enhances back, neck, and leg strength
Enhance your yoga routine with the Yoga Circle – WOOD – YogaWheel, designed to improve flexibility, strength, and relaxation for a holistic yoga experience. Explore the benefits of gentle stretching, toning, and massaging with this premium yoga accessory. Elevate your practice and feel the difference in your body and mind with each use. Embrace the natural feel of wood combined with the comfort of TPE, providing you with a reliable and durable yoga tool. Či už ste začiatočník alebo skúsený jogín, kruh jogy – drevo – Yogawheel je perfektným doplnkom vašej praxe. Investujte do svojej pohody a uvoľnite svoj plný potenciál pomocou tohto všestranného a efektívneho príslušenstva na jogu.