Náramok AGÁT ŽLTÝ Pripojenie k Prírode


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Náramok AGÁT ŽLTÝ Pripojenie k Prírode

Product Presentation: Yellow AGATE Bracelet Nature Connection

Each unique bracelet brings the respective properties of its stones.

Marketing Point: Balance and Protection

Tento ohromujúci náramok žltého agátu, jemný kameň zo skupiny Quartz, je známy svojimi ochrannými vlastnosťami proti každodenným ochoreniam. Podporuje rovnováhu tela a mysle, čím zabraňuje zablokovaniu pádov a energetiky. It also helps alleviate blood and skin issues while maintaining lung health.

Technical Point: Chakra Association

The yellow agate is linked to the 3rd chakra, the solar plexus chakra, aiding in digestion balance, emotional stability, trusting instincts, decision-making, and group collaboration.

Technical Specifications: Bracelet AGATE JAUNE Connexion à la Nature

  • Veľkosť guľôčok 8 mm
  • 17cm bracelet length
  • Durable elastic band for easy wear and suitable for most wrist sizes

This unique yellow agate bracelet is a symbol of balance, protection, and inner strength. It enhances emotional stability, instinctual trust, and collaborative abilities. The beautiful yellow agate stone is associated with the solar plexus chakra, promoting digestive health and decision-making. Its properties make it a valuable addition to anyone looking to enhance their well-being and connect with nature. Či už na osobné použitie alebo ako premyslený darček, prírodné spojenie s náramkom žltého achátu je krásne a zmysluplné príslušenstvo, ktoré prináša vášmu každodennému životu silu prírody.

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