Náramok z ametystu múdrosť


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Náramok z ametystu múdrosť

Wisdom with Amethyst Bracelet

Discover the unique properties of the Amethyst Wisdom Bracelet.

Enhance Your Inner Peace

Experience the calming and reassuring properties of the Amethyst bracelet.

zvyšuje duševnú jasnosť

Ametyst podporuje duševnú jasnosť, dôveru a zameranie, takže je ideálny pre duchovné praktiky, ako je meditácia a reiki.

Technické špecifikácie náramku múdrosti Ametyst

  • 6 mm Veľkosť guľôčok
  • Dĺžka náramkov: 17 cm
  • Elastic band for easy wearing
  • Enhances dream recall and intuition
  • Connects to the 7th chakra for spiritual alignment

Discover the wisdom and serenity that comes with wearing the Amethyst Wisdom Bracelet. Each bead is crafted from genuine Amethyst, known for its calming and purifying properties. This bracelet promotes mental clarity, confidence, and focus, making it perfect for spiritual practices like meditation and reiki. The elastic band design ensures a comfortable fit for most wrist sizes. Embrace the power of Amethyst and enhance your spiritual journey with the Amethyst Wisdom Bracelet.

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