Náramok z lapis lazuli na povzbudenie ducha


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Náramok z lapis lazuli na povzbudenie ducha

Elevated Spirit Bracelet With LAPIS LAZULI

Discover the unique Bracelet with LAPIS LAZULI that enhances your spiritual elevation.

Odomknite svoju kreativitu náramkom Lapis lazuli

Zažite silu kreativity, duchovného vyvýšenia a intuície s náramkom Lapis Lazuli.

Posilnite svoju pohodu pomocou Lapis Lazuli

Preskúmajte vyvažovacie, upokojujúce, regulačné a liečivé vlastnosti kameňa Lapis lazuli.

Technical Specifications of the LAPIS LAZULI Bracelet:

  • Stimulates creativity and intuition
  • Balances and calms the mind
  • Regulates and repairs energy
  • Effective against immune system disorders and endocrine gland issues
  • Promotes confidence, communication, and creativity

Enhance your spiritual journey with the LAPIS LAZULI Bracelet. This unique piece features 8mm beads of LAPIS LAZULI, known for stimulating creativity, intuition, and spiritual elevation. The stone’s balancing and calming properties help regulate energy flow, promoting well-being and healing. In ancient Egypt, LAPIS LAZULI was revered for its healing properties, while the Romans believed in its aphrodisiac qualities. Today, gem therapists recommend it for immune and glandular health, thyroid issues, skin conditions, allergies, and more. LAPIS LAZULI also aids in relieving anxiety and depression, boosting confidence and communication skills. Zdvihnite svojho ducha a uvoľnite svoju kreativitu týmto ohromujúcim náramkom Lapis Lazuli. Elastická skupina zaisťuje pohodlné prispôsobenie sa väčšine veľkostí zápästia, čo uľahčuje nosenie každý deň a využíva svoje výhody.

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Lapis lazuli