Náramok z modrej achátu na upokojenie


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Náramok z modrej achátu na upokojenie

Náramok s modrým achátom: upokojujúce

Tento jedinečný náramok vám prinesie príslušné vlastnosti svojich kameňov.

Vylepšite svoju pohodu

Experience the calming and soothing properties of the Blue AGATE Bracelet.

Superior Quality Gemstone

Learn about the technical details and unique features of the Blue AGATE Bracelet.

Technické špecifikácie

  • Protective properties against daily ailments
  • Promotes body and mind balance
  • Calming and reassuring qualities
  • Associated with the 5th chakra
  • Elastic Band with 8mm beads, 17cm length

Enhance your aura with the unique Blue AGATE Bracelet. This stunning gemstone belonging to the quartz group is known for its protective qualities against minor issues. It promotes balance in both body and mind, preventing energy blockages and falls. The Blue AGATE is renowned for its gentle nature, providing inner peace and tranquility. Associated with the throat chakra, it encourages self-expression, creativity, and perfect communication. The bracelet’s elastic band ensures a comfortable fit for most wrist sizes. Experience the calming effects of the Blue AGATE Bracelet and elevate your energy levels.

Ďalšie informácie


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