Presentation of the product Comfort Yoga Mat+(8mm) – eggplant –
Looking for a Mat that combines the best in comfort, practicality, and high quality? We offer you beautiful high-quality bi-color Yoga Mats for all your Yoga poses and also for all your Pilates / Gym / Fitness workouts… their 8mm thickness and non-slip coating allow you to combine comfort and safety.
Discover the comfort and style
Sell the feature of a soft and comfortable material, easy to clean, suitable for allergic individuals, and portable with its carrying case!
Focus on the technical details
Podrobnosti o hrúbke 8 mm pre ochranu a izoláciu, povrchový povrch pre stabilitu, ľahký pre ľahký transport, inšpiratívne farby pre chromoterapiu a materiál TPE pre trvanlivosť a flexibilitu.
Technical specifications of the Comfort Yoga Mat+(8mm) – eggplant –
- Thickness of 8mm for added comfort
- Non-slip surface for stability during workouts
- Lightweight design for easy portability
- Inspirational colors for chromotherapy benefits
- Durable TPE material free of allergens, PVC, and rubber
Looking for a high-quality Yoga mat that offers comfort, stability, and durability? Our Comfort Yoga Mat+(8mm) in the vibrant eggplant color is the perfect companion for your daily Yoga practice. Vďaka svojmu mäkkému a pohodlnému materiálu, ľahko čistiteľnému povrchu a kompozícii bez alergénov je táto jogová rohož navrhnutá na zlepšenie zážitku z jogy. The 8mm thickness provides cushioning and insulation from hard floors, while the non-slip surface ensures stability during poses. The lightweight design and included carrying case make it easy to take your Yoga practice anywhere. Get your Comfort Yoga Mat today and elevate your Yoga practice to new heights!