Štvorcové drevené taniere ACACIA (sada 2)


Bezplatné doručenie od 100 EUR nákupov
  • Záruka vrátenia peňazí 14 dní
  • kvalitný produkt
Štvorcové drevené taniere ACACIA (sada 2)

Square Wooden Plates ACACIA (Set of 2)

Natural and Eco-Friendly Wooden Plates

Beautiful Natural Wood Grain

Enhance your dining experience with the natural beauty of acacia wood

Vôňa prírodného dreva

Vychutnajte si príjemnú prírodnú drevnú vôňu a jedinečný dotyk akácie dreva

Technical Specifications of Square Wooden Plates ACACIA (Set of 2)

  • Eco-friendly and durable
  • Enhanced with time
  • 16.5 cm in length/width and 2 cm thick
  • predávané v sadách po 2
  • Limitované vydanie

Zažite radosť z stolovania s drevenými doskami! Our eco-friendly and sustainable acacia wood plates are not only beautiful but also enhance the dining experience. These plates age gracefully over time and are easy to maintain. To preserve their beauty, simply clean with a warm sponge and water, dry with a kitchen cloth, and occasionally treat with food oil. Avoid the dishwasher, water soaking, and prolonged exposure to heat. These high-quality wood plates are perfect for all meals, desserts, buffets, and family gatherings. Limited Edition, get yours today!

Cielené SEO Kľúčové slová: kamenné runy, krištáľová dúha, Mala labradorite, symboly čakier, yoni vajíčko, ružový kremeň, čakra kameň, symbol kvetu života

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