„Náramok z hlbokej hnedé agátovej pre zakorenenie


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„Náramok z hlbokej hnedé agátovej pre zakorenenie

Product Presentation: Brown AGATE ROOTING Deep Bracelet

Description: Each unique bracelet will bring you the respective properties of its stones.

Marketingový bod: Vylepšite svoju energiu pomocou hlbokého náramku zakorenenia hnedého agátu

Sell Point: The Brown Agate stone is known for its protective properties against daily ailments and troubles, promoting balance of body and mind, and preventing energy blocks.

Technický bod: Sila archátu v hnedom agátovom zakorenení hlbokého náramku

Podrobnosti: Brown Agate je spojený s kolennou čakrou, úzko spojenou s koreňovou čakrou na uzemnenie so Zemou.

Technical Specifications: Brown AGATE ROOTING Deep Bracelet

  • Veľkosť guľôčok 8 mm
  • Dĺžka náramkov: 17 cm
  • Elastic band for easy fitting
  • Suitable for most wrist sizes
  • Promotes balance, energy flow, and grounding

SEO optimized paragraph: Enhance your energy flow and grounding with the unique Brown Agate stone bracelet. This protective accessory promotes balance of body and mind, preventing energy blocks and supporting overall well-being. The 8mm beads sit comfortably on an elastic band, making it easy to wear and suitable for various wrist sizes. Connect with the power of the Brown Agate stone to amplify your energy levels and promote a sense of grounding and stability in your daily life.

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